Sep 11, 2020 - 06:08 PM
Hi Virginia
The liquids make there way down to the base easily enough so the best place for the tap is at the base. The little pig is a much better system but as you can see the price reflects this. The main reason is that each time you add to it you just give it a turn and this helps the composting process no end. The Hotbin has to be turned with the mixing fork provided which can be a pain to get down deep in to it. That said once you do this it works really effectively
The liquids make there way down to the base easily enough so the best place for the tap is at the base. The little pig is a much better system but as you can see the price reflects this. The main reason is that each time you add to it you just give it a turn and this helps the composting process no end. The Hotbin has to be turned with the mixing fork provided which can be a pain to get down deep in to it. That said once you do this it works really effectively